Forum Secret Santa!+


toxic youngboy fan


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Your a tiktok child that hates among us…?

Strange creature… away from me!


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yes… please leave us alone, lovely.

why would lovely be referring to himself

I thought that was a mop…



i am proud to announce i hate catito

nagito better :pray:

among us effects.

I don’t see the connection :thinking:

No I am Not

you’re effected too.

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Encanto has made you go crazy… come home… leave these horrible lies behind

No I’m not
Sure I say “sus” way more than I should, but I am otherwise unaffected despite having played since before it was popular :innocent:

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Lies,Lies and More Lies



you’re effected… very much.

this generation won’t be able to function… 2050 will be sad.

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Enough… you must accept it… out of all youve been affected by among us most… :confused::-1:t4:

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you and your friends are.

One game is gonna affect an entire generation?

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