Forum talk: Why Kim Possible? + News!

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Why does everyone want Kim possible?

Well. Kim possible was wanted in game for around the games launch. When the first anniversary of the game she was supposed to come out with goofy. But due to PerBlue having issues with making her character she has been pushed back many times. Eventually people started asking PerBlue if she was even being worked on.

The main answer given is “She is still in the same place as she was.” To a extent. Though she has been said to being in the works, I doubt she will come out soon. Or ever…

The hype she has had for a while I doubt that PerBlue doesn’t want to add her. Because if she was added the would make a decent amount of money and time played on the game. So they must be trying to work on her.


State of game, coming out soon!

Don’t forget to submit your concept for the Imagineering contest!


She is the only one who can I spend on her $100 on the deal, of course if she will be in diamond crates.

She is wanted because she is very popular & PerBlue said they would add her, they haven’t said anything about giving up.

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Well, not yet

Yeah I grew up watching Kim Possible and I was excited to hear that she was gonna come. Bit bummed she still hasn’t been released but I will keep on waiting!

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