[Fun and Games!] Disney Heroes: Battle Mode's Alphabet (Part 1)

D-Don’t be sad! They still have a chance!

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E - Eh, we’ll see… imagine if DSA adds Kim before DHBM lol


F - Full rage on if this will happen, PB give Kim.

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G - Great… so many “eh” characters. Hopefully the next patch notes will have good characters like from Up, Onward, or Cars…


H - How about Carl, Lightning or Ian lightfoot?

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I - I want someone like Carl with Dug, Russell with Kevin, Ian, Barley, Corey, Lightning, or Mater. Or many non-Pixar characters like from Kim Possible or Phineas & Ferb.


J - Just please give us some sort of Pixar characters Perblue!

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K - Kim Possible will be fine if the next patch notes doesn’t include Pixar characters

L: Lose the attitude on global chat

M: More bugs, brokenness, and complaints

N: No calling me spam

O: Oh can’t wait for the update! Hopefully apple isn’t poisonous enough to delay the update.

P: Probably An Onward character + Kim Possible will come next

Q - Queue for heroes coming soon: Probably cartoon characters

R - Randall still OP after all of these nerfs?

S- Ss Hes is still

T - Tell me, Perblue, where is Kim and Kermit?

U - Under construction?

V - Varieties of OP and broken characters

W - Wow! I got regular!

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