[Fun and Games!] Disney Heroes: Battle Mode's Alphabet (Part 1)

X - @xIvoRy88x, sorry for @ ing…

Y-Y is Kim not here yet?

Z- Zurg is of blue trial team

A-And we’re starting over for the…wait what number are we on again?

B- Bring Kim to the game!

C- Can Kim Come To The Game?

D - Don’t forget about Kim Perblue!

E- Electrifying Entrance (PowerLine’s Green Skill)

F- [Fun and Games!] Disney Heroes: Battle Mode’s Alphabet

G: Good job on those concepts Grim Grinning Ghosts!

H- How the heck do people become regular so fast

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I- Important is to be highly active thats what needed to be regular i think so

J: Just no bullying and i will be nice

K: k it’s not bullying It’s called criticism

M- @Musketeer

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O - Oh, but nowhere is said it’s against rules.


It’s annoying

P- Perfect said…

Its off topic but…
For You It may be annoying.
For many of us it isnt

Q: Question, Why did many people flag me for using @?

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