T- @TotallyNotDash looks Red
U -
V- very, very, very annoying like limit
X- Xo, I agree with her plans.
Z- zombies
I’m getting rid of my like limit and it’s not just you specifically I’m just liking everything I can see
A- ā
B - BAH 4 by Bosh is a great vid, go watch it
C - Cant wait to find out the last DLC in Smash Ultimate and its gonna be another Pokemon
D - Dante can’t get in, so I’m still hoping for Raiden or maybe Lara Croft
E - Eggman, Crash, Master Chief, or that SMTV protagonist also could happen
F- Feell…Also, you’re gonna look dumb if this doesn’t happen LGDB
G - God, I’m pretty sure Crash is never going to happen
K - Kay, if the final DLC isn’t a Pokemon character, I’ll change my Discord avatar to whoever is the final DLC.
L- Loki says yes
M - Master Chief finishes the fight!