[Fun and Games!] Disney Heroes: Battle Mode's Alphabet (Season 2)

S- So interesting

T - This is basically Avatar but made by Pixar…

U- Uh oh


V - Very big difference is that they now can Earth ‘land’

W- Where Banana

X - xpelling mistake

Also, Russian players are online


Y- You have been chosen.

Z-Zapped Out

A- Anyways I feel that this means that I have to be grateful

B - But you don’t have to, if you don’t feel like it!

C - @Classic_Mickey

D - Disney Junior… where the magic begins! :musical_note:

E - Eh eh… sad place.

F- Forgotten

G - Grogu

H- Hello. This is a message from the IRS.


J- Jelly Beans

K - Kim Possible

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L- Lilo Pelekai

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