A - Apparently it’s just because he finds them funny, not because they are good
Also, it’s cub leo lion
B- Biological War
D- Dat thread looks strange
E - Eh, Tilarta always overreacts when threads don’t go their way and end up naming them ridiculous things…
F- First time seeing something like that though I think
H - Hmm… I wonder what V stands for. Either way, it’s a cowardly move to delete your topic so no sees your mistakes.
Please don’t target a specific player. This player asked for those threads to be closed no reason to make assumptions. Thank you.
I - I dunno what you’re talking about. I’m not making assumptions. I’ve seen the topics myself. But okay
Do not discuss the closed threads further.
L - Look, Sulley is not in the list
M - Mmm…, Why not?
N - Nobody knows Boo calls Sulley “kitty”
O - Or IPutASpellOnYou is just an uncultured swine
P - Phin
Q - Quite the annoyance that Loutre doesn’t follow the thread’s rules
R- Ruh Roh
S - Sadly, we have to remember Loutre is The Rules, they can do whatever they want to
Yes, please do not flag my comments.