[Fun and Games!] Disney Heroes: Battle Mode's Alphabet (Season 2)

T- Toretto and his family

U- U know Toretto preffer the cast of Fast and Furious instead his family :d

V- Very Impatient, you areā€¦ Only 4 minutes had passedā€¦

V- VVow, double N

W - :writing_hand:

Drats, I didnā€™t see that first Nā€¦

X- Xierra

Y - YouTube

Z- Zootube

A- ahatube

B - BuzzTube

C- Cacha Life

D - :do_not_litter:

E- Ebye

Iā€™m going to eat, good bye for now

F- for a while and

G - Google

H- Hypixel

I - Internet Explorer

J - Jeffrey Bezos

K - @Kruella

L- letā€™s see

M - @Moving_castle

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