[Fun and Games!] Disney Heroes: Battle Mode's Alphabet (Season 2)

F - For real, I thought you said “Secret Tab” :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Rex going incognito mode for some reason :flushed:


G - great, same.


H- Hi. This has confirmed to be true by various sources including Rex himself.


I- I am @BlackBOY

J- Jumping on Slime

K - Kick Buttowski

L- Life is Great! :smiley:

M - money in the USA can be green dollar bills

N - No, it can also be red. Just dye it.

O -

  Oh but that is illegal

P - Pish posh. That’s what they said about counterfeiting.

Q -
    Quiet or
    will hear

R - Really weird texts today

S- super weird

T - The forum is dead. :skull_and_crossbones:

U - Ursula Used Umbrellas Uniquely

V - Very valiant Violet vanishes violently

W- wow wow wow wow wow

X - @Xymnowhist

Y- Y0U’r3 g0iNg T0 Br@z¡1

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