[Fun and Games!] Disney Heroes: Battle Mode's Alphabet (Season 2)

R - @Ribby

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S - Sure you can

T- tooth

U - @KayIa

V- vocabulary

W - Why is the forum suddenly quiet?

X- X to Doubt

Y - Yes

Z- zoom

A - @Amogus_Ralph

Ralph is sus :flushed:


B- @Baka_Kitsune

C - Cool fact: There’s a “god” in Genshin named Rex


D- Da Illuminati Confirmed

E- EA sports. It’s in the game

F- Facts

G- Gargantuan

hi how’s everyone doing

I - I am doing fine

Welcome to the forums!

thanks bro for the coment

J - Just so you know, for this topic specifically, there’s a set way you’re meant to write out your comments (following the alphabet).

You’re new to the forums, so it’s not that big of a deal that you didn’t do that just now, but I figured I’d let you know for future reference.

Welcome to the forums!

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