[Fun and Games!] Disney Heroes: Battle Mode's Alphabet (Season 2)

I - I want none

J- Jose

K - @kinda_sad

L- lol

M - @Monkeyman

N- now I sleep

O - O gets autocorrected to I for some reason

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P- Pig Sussy Baka

Q - qnot your picture, there was a news article about that!


R- Really? I’m not dumb ya know

S - Sussy McNuggy

T- The End

U - Up is good, but will Down be better?

V- Very Unsure. I’ll think about it while I do homework.

W - Well I was going to use a photo of Down, but they’re both pretty dark when you think about it

X - Xtremely sussy

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Y- yo

Z - Zo is this you @Spark

(sorry for the extra @ I accidentally deleted the original)

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A- ah he doesn’t have discord

B - But that is fake.

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