[Fun and Games!] Disney Heroes: Battle Mode's Alphabet (Season 2)

J- Joe Bidome

K - Kinda weird that Greenland isnā€™t even green

L- Lol, Iceland isnā€™t made out of Ice

M - Mongooseā€¦ mongusā€¦ sus :flushed:


N- no pls no

O- Oof!!!

P - Pretty quiet now

Q- questtststtrststs

R- Russia Is Sus

S- sussia

T - @TotallyNotDash is a Sussy Baka

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U- uhno

V - Very many heroes are useless in the game

W- woohoo

X - Xelente :man_shrugging:t4:

Y- you

Z - Zanahoria es carrot :carrot: muy deliciosa

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A- Amogus Servers

B- boooo

C- chemotherapeutically

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