[Fun and Games!] Disney Heroes: Battle Mode's Alphabet (Season 2)

X - Xtremely quiet now

Y- yay

Z - :zzz: :sleeping:

A- ah very interesting how you post that right as I’m about to sleep

B - Being very lonely in the forum now

C- cool


E- ehe te nandayo

F - @Foot93

G- get owner

H - Hello birthdays… image

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I- idc :slight_smile:

J - Just rudeness :frowning_face_with_open_mouth:

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K - K so how many forumer birthdays are in September

  • Lovely
  • Me
  • Pip

Who else


L - Lol! All introvert best forumers are there! Maybe zodiacs have some truths :fearful::man_shrugging:t4:

M - Maybe next datamine will include Mittens… or Oliver (& Dodger)
giphy (5)

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N - No…! Soul characters please… more diversity in game… lesss cancellations on twitter :grin::raised_hands:t4:

O - Oh… but cats purrs are relaxing and good for souls…
But yes, 22, Terry, and Joe will be so nice, that’s a good movie! Not like that dumb stupid Luca movie.

P - :package:

Raises hand


Q- qrst

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