[Fun and Games!] Disney Heroes: Battle Mode's Alphabet (Season 2)

V- very

W - :watermelon:

X- x_x

^this is the forums

Y - Yup, very true. The forum is usually dead during the weekends

Z- Z.Z

A - :abacus:

B- :baby:

C - :cake:

D- :dagger:

E - :email:

D- @Discobot

G - Gosh, why there’s two D’s?

*H– haha

I - @I_like_tacos

J- jabma

K- @Kayla

TotallyCursed And I like It


L - let’s go!


M- maneater

N - nope you are a flop :grimacing::raised_hand:t4:

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O - :o:

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