[Fun and Games!] Disney Heroes: Battle Mode's Alphabet (Season 2)

D - disgust!!! AHH :grimacing:

E- eeww

F - foul wow

G - @Godofallchickens

H- Hey, I don’t understand…

Someone can give me context?

I- I need sussy baka :hot_face:

J- Just… Ok…

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K - Kinda weird

L- Les NOT go

M- Maybe Let’s Gon’t

Put the “Let’s go” video in reverse with negative effect

N - :no_bell:

Dababy cries

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O- oh i saw that lovely

P- Perhaps I need the origin of the “Let’s go” video

Everyone stop, Lovely is trying to give me Context

Q - Qood, time to teach :slightly_smiling_face:

R- roja

S - @Sussy_Baka_IX

T- time

U - uh sussy Baka so fun :grimacing:

V - Very sus

(Why is the video small)

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W- well it’s a YouTube short

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