[Fun and Games!] Disney Heroes: Battle Mode's Alphabet (Season 2)

G - girl…… @Filadae_Djaq stop being rude :grimacing::roll_eyes:

H- here lies yourself

I - it’s true I have more subs then rude djaq :roll_eyes::grimacing::thinking:

J- J is a chance Violet is unable to turn invisible

K - @kinda_weird

L- Lineup Buff

M - @moo_moo :cow:

N- no more forums

P - please no

Q- qt

R - Reeeeee

S- sand

T - throws sand at Cannon

U - U know, im right here :frowning:

V - very strange how you appeared at the right time…

W - Well, ive been lurking :upside_down_face:

X- xetattat

Y - Your favorite character from the new update?


Z - Zhat was a few months ago

A- Ash Ketchum

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