[Fun and Games!] Disney Heroes: Battle Mode's Alphabet (Season 2)

H - Hey, I am! For now.

L- LOL H comes after J

M - MoreOne doesn’t know the alphabets


N - Not true, I was not on full attention

O- okay the ultimate excuser

P - Puuhleaase. I am not.

,Q- Quotes

R - Really strange :thinking:

S- Strange

T- Totally useless event for me, 40% market discounts, since I triggered mega mart yesterday night meaning I can’t trigger it again for next 40 hours and event will end before that. Not fair!

U- unsire

V- :vampire:

What does it mean?

W - well, google exists you know

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X- Xcaret

Y- yeah I didn’t find any appropriate answer on Google so I asked. You could answer me instead of typing this, you know :joy:

Z- Zinc

A- Andromeda

B- Bizarre

C- Catastrophic

D- Don’t you think

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