[Fun and Games!] Disney Heroes: Battle Mode's Alphabet (Season 2)

U - U know that is the best option though

V- Very ready to steal a table! :smiley:

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W - Well this thread has been quiet


X- X.X

Y - :yawning_face:

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Z- @Zenithwillrule

A - @AmoungusXD

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B- @Bullies

C - @Cookie_Run :sob:

D- Dis is looking interesting @Tragic-Magic

E - Eggs are good

F- Forgetting Forumer of the Summer? @Lucas1999 :flushed:

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G - :goat:

How about forumer of fall since fall is almost ending :thinking:

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H - H8 is bad

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i- @Imperador_Hudson_VIII

J - jello sounds yummy

K- @KeepLifeWeird

L - lemonade is yummy esp with lemons from my backyard

M- @Maksim_roflerow

N - Number one most popular villager is no longer Marshal or Raymond… and it’s not the villagers that recently got added

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