[Fun and Games!] Disney Heroes: Battle Mode's Alphabet (Season 2)

M - Morse code

N - @Noob

O - @Ozi_swag

P- Please explain how you were meā€¦


Q - Question, I will answer

Iā€™m dumb and forgot the t.

It was you

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R- Really?

S - Snuffleluffagus, donā€™t repeat letters.

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T - To be fair though, Q sucks. Wait nvm I just canā€™t alphabet :joy:

U- U still hate me?

V- @vanco
Oh Aamir Youā€™re alive

W - Why do you think that?

(To BlackBOY) Why wouldnā€™t I be?

X- XooX

youā€™re sooo Offline the last time

Y- Yeah, Iā€™m not the Jailor, heheā€¦


Z - Z is a hard letter.

I still hate that moment. Yes.

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A- And you want revenge?

B - Bailout

C- @Crazy

See you later, Iā€™m gonna put the table :d

D - Do I want revenge!?

Yes, Dash! YES!

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E- Ehā€¦ Caught in 4k!

F - (four)4k is what itā€™s caught in!

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