Z- Zaha… no.
A - Amazing place, where is bridge?
B - Bridge will collapse, you won’t escape.
C- Collapse, you won’t escape.
D - Daring quest awaits, the enemy will make you cry
E- enemy will make you cry
F - Frightened by the enemy you will try to run away, but without bridge you won’t…
G- ghtened by the enemy you will try to run away, but without bridge you won’t…
H - htened by the enemy you will try to run away, but without bridge you won’t…
I - Illusions will create your hopeless hope for victory and good ending
J- Jump
K - King will destroy them all, darkness will arise and all happiness will disappear
L- ll destroy them all, darkness will arise and all happiness will disappear
M - m all, darkness will arise and all happiness will disappear
N - No peace will be around us, only daydreams of better past will be in our mind, but our eyes will only see the pain of today and future
O- o peace will be around us, only daydreams of better past will be in our mind, but our eyes will only see the pain of today and future
P - peace will be around us, only daydreams of better past will be in our mind, but our eyes will only see the pain of today and future
Q- Quo Status
R - Road to war is where are you going now…
S - s where you are going now…