J - Just oddness
J - Just oddness
L - Lonely Lucy loves licking lollipops, lest Lucy lose Lindaâs last lemur. Lol, Lucy left Liamâs limp landlord lethargically locking lavender-laced lemons.
M - Mickey Mouse makes masterfully-made marinara for Minnie.
N - Naughty Nellie never nicked Nigelâs nasty neighbourâs nifty numbat.
O - Overtly optimistic Owen owns overwhelmingly obnoxious ocelots.
P - Peter Parker played Pictionary promptly post preventing prevalent peril per popular people. Perhaps Peter pertained preemptive pressure, probably pre-providing populous protection.
Q- Queen Questions Quit Quoting Quintessential Qiqi Quickly
R - Ryan Rodney Reynolds ripped Roman Reignsâs ridiculous red Roblox raincoat really rapidly
S- Super Sussy Spanish SpongeBob Spun Spatulas Singing Single Songs Sadly
T - Tracy Trudy tried taking ten tigers to the theatre. They took twice the tickets to trick the ticket taker. They then told the tigers to take themselves to the town.
U - Umm⊠universally unique urban umbrellabirds unwillingly unwrapped ugly upright unicycles
V - Very vague vermin voted Venezuelan vultures
W - Warm water when whales want warm weather while whining
X - XylophonesâŠ
Are the even any verbs that start with x?
Y- Yay, we stopped
Z - Zany Zimbabwean zebras zealously zaps Zeus
A - And here we stop again!
B - Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo
C - Clow a Kiss , Fire A Gun