T - Terrific! Shrek appeared in RR movie.
U - Ugh, no spoilers!
V- Very sad to tell you that you can’t
Z - Zipper appeared in RR movie, and Gadget too, and DW too, and Baloo, and Pooj the Fat Honey Bear
A- Ah Musk really hates the last few letters of the alphabet
B - But you don’t know rules, how sad.
C - Confirmed new Disney character Musk accidently leaked?!
D - Did you saw the movie or not? Seems like not!
E - Ehe, I did not
Is it a typo?
F- Forgor I did
G - Gift of Nobody
H- Help Nobody
I - I’m Nobody
J - Jolly nobody
K - Kick him , He’s not Nobody.
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L- Lol Nobody
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M - Music is amazing
N- Nobody asked
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O - Of course nobody did. You are nobody