[Fun and Games!] Disney Heroes: Battle Mode's Alphabet (Season 2)

D - Damogus :smiley_cat:

E - EAmongus

F - Famongus

G - @Gonna_Wreck_It

H- Have you tried the new vent cleaning task in Among Us?

I - I haven’t download among us yet :sob:

J- jamogus

K - @Kim_posive

L- @Lalauwu

M - :moon_cake:

N- :nail_care:

O - @oh_yea

P- please no

Q - @Queen_of_Hearts

R - rats are cool

S- Sotp sign

T - tigger

U - U still play amogus??? I got rid of it when accounts were made

V - Venti venture the vent in Ventura and got ventricular fibrillation

(Venting is sus)

W- what i not play amogus

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