[Fun and Games!] Disney Heroes: Battle Mode's Alphabet (Season 2)

R- Richard

S-slowly types

T- Thank

U - U as in you

V- Variable

W - What is a variable?

X- X is a variable

Y- Ya like jazz?

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Z - Zelda isn’t the main character in any of The Legend of Zelda games, think about it.


A- Ahhhhh


C- Caribbean

D - Den can I have a Quarter Pounder with a medium coke and fries? Thanks

E- Err, Not with that horrible spelling of yours


F - Fox

You have to get in touch with internet trends you know :roll_eyes: (/j)

G- go back to school, no more computer

H - How about no u

I- I will call your mother

J - Just do it

K- kk

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