T- The plot thickens!
U - Uh huh
V- Voooop
W - Well then…
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X - Xplain
(I know the joke. But where is the W)
Y - Yo-yo
I forgot to add the W, thought this was a different thread for a bit
Z -
I dont get the joke
A - Alabama
B- Birmingham
C - Creepy creatures in the deep ocean
D- Doomy
E - Ear mites
F - Funny funny moments: among us edition. gone wrong (not clickbait) gift card giveaway starring ninja from fortnite
G -
YouTube clickbaits be like
I - I (as in me)
J- Jump on the treadmill
K - Klutzy King Kong kicked Kate the knowledgable kangaroo
L- lol, get jailed noob
M - mot me!
Yes I know I’m not the subject but still
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