[Fun and Games!] Disney Heroes: Battle Mode's Alphabet (Part 1)

A - Aamir is too!


B- Best Update =Kim , Kermit,



C - Can’t wait for the update!


D- Dont worry…After Update we ll CHILL

E- Exiting update, it seems!


F - Facebook ad posted by pb had spoiler, I’ll link because I’m excited Next update, when?

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G - Great, we are getting Cheshire Cat. He’s late for the Alice In Wonderland party

H- Hooray!


I - “I’m right on time.” - That’s what the Cheshire Cat said in the gif. At least he isn’t late as the White Rabbit lol

J- Just like I said, he’s not late for the Wonderland Party, he’s right on time

( for those who haven’t seen Through the Looking Glass by Tim Burton, the guy’s name is Time ).

K - Kermit the Frog is like another Disney mascot besides Mickey

L - Launchpad increases team max hp

M - Minnie and Mushu both came for 2nd anniversary

N - Nick Wilde has a crazy amount of skill power which then goes to allies if you have red skill

O- Onward - Characters should come soon! (in my opinion)

P - Peter pan can’t steal berserk

Q - Quite an annoying yet true fact

R - really exciting that we will get chess but then we will need the white rabbit

S - Syndrome stuns

T - Timon and Pumbaa are support

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