[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v3.1.1)

They would be voted out immediately


you told me you like Minecraft.

I used to play Minecraft

Then stopping playing it was your biggest mistake.

1 Like

Hah, Genshin is better

I have alot of Diamonds :yum:

It certainly looks better but I still don’t think so.


You have betrayed the Republic

giphy (6)

I was never in the Republic

Minecraft Spider was sniped by a Power V bow

Into the web

  • Spider
  • Spooder
  • Muffet

0 voters

The spooder :confounded:

Well good to know :confused:

We will eject this Impostor (Gio)!

The Galactic Senate of the Republic convicts you of treason. Your reign of evil is over.

Giosphere was Ejected.


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