[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v3.1.1)

Well good to know that my opinions don’t matter…

Your Opinions are Wrong…

Dash should stop excluding Gio

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No. Too Much Pain has been given to me already…



I see that you are an alt of @Commander-Rex

or @Commander-Rex is my alt

No I’m not. We are both just great SW fans

Also: double post

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Soo Dash is throwing spiders to Gio in this thread…? Nothing New (/hj)

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Spiders Are Superior

@Giosphere is superior to spiders

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Are you excited for Forumer of the Month?
  • Yęs

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@TotallyNotDash is the spider’s superior.

@Gio @Spider :thinking:

Mice are worse than spiders.



Gio has alot of alts :open_mouth:

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