[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v3.1.1)

I prefer to work alone.

“Fly home Rex, I work alone”

So this is it?

Yes. You got offended by an opinion.

Which was a joke inside of a joke. It is still April…


No, I mean this was obviously a joke. I am and will always be your obedient servant. C.Rex.

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Deals random damage to the creep

Will Lure ever be found?

Will my body ever be found?

@Lure @FoundMySupersuit

Dash self-reported

I just saw Rex hop into a vent.

Dash and Rex are the imposters

If I’m the Impostor, I could be lying?


I haven’t played Among Us since January, lol.

Which is why you accidentally vented in front of me.

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