[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v3.1.1)


Spiders doesn’t eat your chargers when you sleep

Some of them were seen recently. Oh no :joy:

Get Mousetraps

When you know there are 2 versions of that
 you are fine.

WOW! The drawing is awesome. Who is it?

@TotallyNotDash is Palpatine!



Imagineer should stop Misquoting



Ducks are Superior

Agreed with the agreement of something that weren’t my words (but I could have spoken them)

I don’t bully people

Ducks go in cups

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:duck: :hocho:

Star Wars is love, Star Wars is life. If you question it, I am no longer your servant, Dash.

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Star Wars is Overrated


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In a Good Way.

No, you can’t take it back now. You are a traitor.

You’re Fired!

Ignites lightsaber
It’s treason then.

You can’t fire me. You’re nothing without me.

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