[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v3.1.1)

Whoever @Muppet_Labs_Is_A_Dork is…

What can I do now…



:boom: :wastebasket:

Nothing is impossible

Kim = Nothing



Basil = :wastebasket:

I wonder if Forky would make it to the game because he’s trash :thinking:

TS = :wastebasket: :wastebasket: :wastebasket: :wastebasket: :wastebasket: :wastebasket: :face_vomiting:

Forky would be friends with Basil and KP

We have no TS3 reps

good… the timeline is after TS4.

that bear is tied somewhere, who cares.

and Rex, Hamm and Slinky have skillset made from the beginning of TS3

Good point

when PB will add UP and Bolt characters?

I wonder what PB would add next :thinking:

:fairy: and :tophat:!

Tinker Bell and the Mad Hatter!

(Wait, they’re already in the game…)

:green_circle: :fire: !

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