[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v3.1.1)

Disgust and Anger!



:woman: :anger:

Calm yet angry woman


:dog: :cat: :statue_of_liberty:

A dog and a cat driving to the Statue of Liberty

but who are they, names!

A dog emoji and a cat emoji

no… :sob:

Deals damage



I got a game.

let’s go for game…

the game…

wow! the game is so cool!

Kim is here… and even Basil!!!


they are terrible and some random polar bear is broken

badges cost… WHAT?
oh game…

the game is sad.
bad. bad. bad.

the game is dead.

I leave the game…

the game…


oh the game…

bye. where’s my 12k $… oh the game…

the game could be worse…

hi, game…


Are you a poet?

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:musical_score: :musical_note: :musical_note:



#1 Victory Royale

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