[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v3.1.1)

They are clearly biased! :pouting_cat:

Jake needs to use his power on them… this for sure will solve the problem.


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Who’s Jake are you guys talking about?

The only…

fdf8f359175e6546e61a00b2c6470a28 (1)

Jake Is More Important Than Kim Refresh

Jake is more important than everything else in this universe!

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Where Is The Retweet Option?

Unsurprisingly, it is not snowing where I am.

It doesn’t snow here :sob:

where is my happy meal?

Djaq has it

Press the like button in this comment to retweet one of your posts

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I liked your post! :grin:

Time to remove the time.

The Time Lord :open_mouth:

Evil Queen of Eggs.

:smiling_imp: :crown: :egg:

I liked your post! :grin:

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Something deals damage

Who Is The Impostor?

0 voters

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