[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v3.1.1)

this is tricky… picking this option I will say Dash ISN’T… totally isn’t… oh…


  • Nerf Dash (In-Game)
  • Nerf Dash (Forums)

0 voters

The Cat from Outer Game

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Forums Is Quiet :relieved:

everyone is waiting for Jake :smirk_cat:

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And Tamatoa. We are waiting for him as well.

Not me though :man_shrugging:

Although I would give it to you if I could

oh :frowning:

Jake is better than some crab

I can agree here, Tamatoa would be way too big to be in the game



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No U

  • <!>
  • O

0 voters

No, it’s true. All of it.

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well… Jake could literally yeet that crab to outer space :eyes:

Jake is very powerful.

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giphy (6)

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But Tamatoa can break one thing Jake cannot…


The fourth wall

oh… think so think so, you really need to, because it’s all true!


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Jake The Dog > Jake The Cat

Y’all know this is facts, don’t even @ me

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