[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v3.1.1)

@Commander-Rex, you’re 100% wrong.

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Die Die

So what you’re saying is Jake The Cat is better than this legend.


Plagiarism! :angry:

yes. Jake the Cat is better.

that seafood won’t do a thing once Jake will throw him awayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy—

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I respect your opinion.

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Me RN:

you hold some girl, and having closed eyes while lifting some gold?

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Jake The Cat Will Be Stronger Than Cheshire Cat And Every Other Hero Combined

It was the facial expression lol. Tamatoa has the best facial expressions.

I don’t get it.

Vote here
  • No

0 voters

Vote for the hero to be released in Update 3.3!
  • Jake

0 voters

@Commander-Rex, maybe you should vote in this poll :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
  • Sure! :grin:

0 voters

Honestly (Even though I do not really like cats) If Jake was added, it would make me happy, for you. :hugs:



Same. Just like how all of us would be happy for you, Spark if Tamatoa was added.

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Imagine how this game (DHBM) would be if everyone’s heights were accurate :flushed:

Woody and the TS characters would be sooo small.

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