[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v3.1.1)

Or Lucas is secretly Discobot

@LucasBot fortune

:crystal_ball: Not a chance

1 Like

@LucasBot display help

To see what I can do:

I won’t help you


@LucasBot start advanced tutorial

Deals damage

Hi, where is funny comics?

Deals Damage

In newspapers

Post one then

@Lmfao :-1:

When I’m done with class

As an advanced user, have you visited your preferences page yet @Spark ? There are lots of ways to customize your experience, such as selecting a dark or light theme.

But I digress, let’s begin!

Everyone makes mistakes. But don’t worry, you can always edit your posts to fix them!

Can you begin by editing the post I just created on your behalf?


No :thinking:

Great work!

Note that edits made after 5 minutes will show up as public edit revisions, and a little pencil icon will appear at the upper right with the revision count.

If you’d like to withdraw a post you made, you can delete it.

Go ahead and delete any of your posts above by using the delete action. Don’t delete the first post, though!


You aren’t my boss :angry:

In all seriousness, where is the light mode? I cannot find it lol

There is no light mode to prevent eye damage

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