[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v4.1.1)

Here is the number of posts that kills the creep:


Oh no

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ā€œThatā€™s the beauty of corporate mega-chains destroying our neighborhoods! Thereā€™s always one right around the corner!ā€

cough cough McDonaldā€™s cough cough


Laughs in Mostaza (although I have not been going to one for years XD)

In Nā€™ Out

Inside Out

Mostaza (ā€œmustardā€ in english) is like a McDonalds only that in their commercials they say that they are ā€œserious burgersā€

Outside In

X- Doubt

Well doubt what you want because I have not been one for years


ā€¦ You have not been a serious burger for years? Iā€™m confusedā€¦

Iā€™ve been a serious burger for some time myself :stuck_out_tongue:

WHat? I meant that I did not go to a ā€œMostazaā€ years ago XD


You said ā€œI have not been one for yearsā€ not ā€œI have not been to one for yearsā€, so I was confused as to what you were referring to. :sweat_smile:

Dog burgers, deliciousnā€™t

(Reject Dogger
Become Burger)

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