[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v4.1.1)

I wonder who was the one who dealt more damage.

Not Sure :man_shrugging:

12 more, and I dethrone LGDB.

I wonder who’s gonna be eliminated in my elimination today :thinking:

Too Late. You gotta hope that he goes offline.

Don’t be so certain.

Imagine being able to dethrone Dash.

You underestimate my power.

I totally don’t know the results in my Elimination Game already :eyes:

I hope Robin Hood gets eliminated

I have a headstart now! :grin:

The only one capable of doing that is probably you.


You’re too far.

emphasized text

how many times have I said “Don’t be so certain” today? :thinking:

I’m not sure? Maybe like 50?

I think it is time to unmute Rex
 Should I?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

I saw that, Dash.

Poor Rex was muted.

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