[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v4.1.1)

This is all your fault, Lure.

Rex and Lure are no longer friends.


Rex, you couldā€™ve replied with ā€˜Donā€™t be so certainā€™! :angry:

No it isnā€™t, Iā€™m free of charges.

The real muted user was the friendship we made along the way
I never muted Rex :joy:

please remember that this is the magic number

Had me in the first half, ngl.

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You liked to see the pain and suffering of him believing that he was muted. Howā€¦ evil :cold_sweat:
I like itā€¦


Trust Me: Trust No one

Donā€™t get any ideas, Lureā€¦

Remember who is always watching you


How can I trust you if you said Trust No One :thinking:

Step On A Back, Break A Crack


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What? I plead innocent to the absence of a crime!

Fixed It,Penguins are evil.

Lure is afraid of penguins, isnā€™t heā€¦:smiling_imp:



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