[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v5.1) (Part 1)

wow, geek words lol

ā€¦ you have no power here!

I shall move this topic to somewhere more orange-y!

Rex has Regular :woozy_face:

And it still would be within my grasp. I have reach of all the Nine Realms. You are powerless next to me, you moronic oaf. Kneel before I destroy you to rid the world of your idiocy. :imp:

War? :eyes:

indent preformatted text by 4 spaces

Whot hoppened

Well, it certainly was not in my intention but it might be the best course of action. You, my friend could be my noble compatriot. You have a heart, a heart capable of pure destruction. :smiling_imp:

Ok silence :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

:clap: :clap:

Powerline has some concerts to doā€¦ he canā€™t just stay hereā€¦ donā€™t worry

He will come back in 11 hours! Ciao!

Ruler Joy


Rex has regular, dummy :woozy_face:

I was already typing before you posted. I want my refund.

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Truly the epitome of a coward to back out of a war before it even begins. Should he beknownst to the rule that if anyone tries to stop a war before it begins that it actually breeds catastrophe, would he have still done it? No. He lacks any integrity or true strength. His foolery will surely bring causalities. Ones I will greatly take advantage of. :smiling_imp:

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So Iā€™m the overlord that is not here I guess. Foolish mortals! A lonely overlord.

You are terrible tyrant!

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After concertā€¦


Did he get enough booooā€™s ?

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Itā€™S bEGiNnInG tO lOoK aLoT lIkE cHrIsTmAs

No not even close

:cry: :sob:

We are almost

:musical_note: In Summerrrrrr

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