[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v5.1) (Part 1)

Christmas in July: Am I a joke to you?

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It’s still Spring :woozy_face:

Yes, yes you are

Poor Slinky… :sob:


There’s Earth 2 near you.


But his christmas is in december too right? Only difference is having summer at that moment

A.K.A. Mars

Idk, we gotta ask him :man_shrugging:

Mars is another planet :confused:

Apparently, it’s the date that most people celebrate it tho

Fun Fact: The closest living relative to a T-Rex is a chicken so basically we’re eating what’s once the most fearsome predator in the planet.

:t_rex: :yum:

But Mars is pretty close to Earth, well not that close unlike Venus and Mercury



Lucas might pass me while I’m sleeping :sob:

Mars is going to collide with Earth :scream:

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Though, I’ll probably pass him again once I wake up :woozy_face:

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