[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v5.1) (Part 1)

Okay so it’s a SW character, but not Anakin/Darth Vader and also not Luke

I like using Daisy.

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Me too! I also use Pit and Kirby.

It is
The emoji is Vader.
It is titled Vader :man_shrugging:
I count your mention of Vader as a guess :stuck_out_tongue:
Check my emoji thread :eyes:

Well Vader and Anakin are the same person

So then we already were right from the start

It seems pretty likely we’ll get two Smash reveals at E3

I’m hoping Crash and/or Master Chief.

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You had the answer all along :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Which Smash are we talking about? Ultimate?


In that case, I use Byleth. Sometimes I use Bowser Jr.

Darth Hei Hei has been finished!


5 minutes later

1 minute later



:soccer: :sob:

Is everything ok Dash cause I am here if you need a hug


Treasure Hunting!

:soccer: = :wastebasket:

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