[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v5.1) (Part 1)

Idk, I imagine some people get a real kick out of it.

I’m Sarcastic :grinning:

Good to hear!

Hi Sarcastic, I’m Tragic

:wave: :upside_down_face:





My mom said if I can be any Winnie-The-Pooh character, I’ll be Eeyore :sob:

Lol, everyone says that about me too.

My stomach is :woozy_face:

What did you eat?

Eggs with Tapatio :woozy_face:

Ok I see

I want Baleadas.

I don’t know what they are but ok

Dipper is never…

Good night! :sleeping: :sleeping_bed: :night_with_stars: :first_quarter_moon:

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