[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v6.1)

okay video

La actualizacion de servidor infringe daño


for the server update.

Blame Bakr Bros


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How did Djaq cause the server update? :thinking:


Musk is an annoying British Child


Oh I see


and your calling Musk the anoyying child

The only thing left is that Loutre write “Thanks to @FiIadae_Djaq for report that bug, we will send you a thanks message as a reward”



you are Anoyying

I am soo oooooooooo o o ooo o oo


Stop noticing all my speling errors




Che viendo que esto se esta tardando un huevo voy a empezar a escribir en español

Yeah it is :upside_down_face:

New update for removing Olympic items from Cosmetic Chests gets dropped

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