[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v6.1)

Obviously, but it’s annoying anyway (Watch the filter in Spanish on wakkatu XD)

Deals damage

Voy a llorar sangre si sigo viendo esa traduccion

A ver, time to check the translation.

Mira los filtros en wakkatu

Slaps Lure

Daño infringido

What if…

I wouldn’t be surprised :yawning_face:

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@Atua is disappointed.

That’d be nice for Ftn

Nooooooooo :sob:

Even if I have 1000 or more diamonds, i will never be able to 1M points ftn again

Atua sentences you to think about your actions

Who’s Atua?

Some god that Dash thinks is fake and Lure worships

But I have nothing to regret D:

Dealing damage

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