[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v6.1)


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Morning, I am here!

Yo! How are you Magic Tragic?

i still awake

Djaq hand Reveal?!!! :open_mouth:

itā€™s not even my image

and how are everyone?

I am fullā€¦

So a creep, huh?

Yesā€¦ fight to fly.

Who gets this referenceā€¦ gainsā€¦ uh emm 500 points.

Fight or flight instinct?

No :stop_sign:

eat some more

I canā€™t!

Just noā€¦ :dizzy:

:plate_with_cutlery: :milk_glass:

please :pleading_face:

Go to sleep!

Leave it if he donā€™t want to eat, donā€™t eat

I already throwed it awayā€¦ oopsā€¦ cats will be ā€¦ happy.

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