[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v6.1)

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That’s an omen that NotDash is coming?

that’s such ugly thing

not the art itself but dash

POV: you say that Dash deserve a Nerf

no other way around

@Cookie @Run

Tropical Storm Elsa

@LilRubyKinz :eyes:

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They know :eyes:

How many do we need?

Oh no
NotDash has wake

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Saying my name whenever a creep spawns and when I’m offline isn’t a good idea

Well my hopes have gone down the drain


I was going to tell him about that :woozy_face:

How many? Guys?

@Musketeer, you haven’t fixed Ron & Rufus power up yet

indent preformatted text by 4 spaces

You can look it up.

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