[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v6.1)

you liked a post of mine and I knew

Belle Delphine, gamer girl water? that’s doesn’t sounds?!!!

rex let’s admit it no one would ever stalk you

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Oh, I see. I don’t check that type of news or stuff so thanks for explaining.

dash talks in lowercase when he tries to act sarcastic towards me


Can’t you two be normal and start a sentence with capital letter?

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[writes in lowercase anyways]

when djaq is almost never serious and always has a sarcastic thing to say

capital letter, rex’s life is boring

Ig, maybe in youtube :d

dash and djaq bully me, lure, gio, protec me~




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capital letter, they can’t help you
 they secretly hate you

I play both sides so I always come out on top


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capital letter, WHY DO YOU MENTION GIO?


but if one side falls you come down with it

choose wisely

wait is that too much to ask of you

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