[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v6.1)

capital letter, he’s dumb

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quite unfortunate

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I have not had breakfast

i have not had sleep

So you’re starting every post with the words capital letter?

Is this what Myeong feels like when something like this happens?


capital letter, Djaq is best


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capital letter yes

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Go man, Go

capital letter i love pokemon go

capital letter, look at your post simp:

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We gettin’ freaky on a Friday night, yeah

capital letter i pinged rex 30 times on discord

capital letter, I go now


tankman supremacy

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Go man, Go

capital letter, whenever I don’t type in italics, something is wrong

capital letter @MissingLure how was your day

i don’t know

U g h

capital letter you’re not lure

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