[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v6.1)

I’m the Atua Church manager~

What role is Atua in the church?

30 minutes… hahaha

yes… sect



lure is insect


here have some money go to japan and buy some manga for me okay thanks byeeee

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Oh look a cat

oh look some food

I’m a Scizor then

Idk The leader or who guides the church

Oh look a pie



muh hah hah hah hah hah

You’ve guessed right!.. kinda
In 30 minutes is my flight to Japan.

Oh look a cake

dang it

Oh look some fireworks

See if you can bring a memory for everyone

I heard Japan has a lot of cats…

Knock the baddies.

eat fireworks to explode :fireworks:

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Cat Cafe :scream_cat:

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